All You Need to Know About Restriction Endonucleases

restriction endonucleases

Restriction endonucleases are classes of proteins which are also known as restriction endonucleases. These enzymes are used to cleave DNA at specific sites along the molecule. In bacteria restriction endonucleases have different purposes. In those cells they help in eliminating the infecting agent by cleaving the foreign DNA.

SDS & NATIVE PAGE | Definition and Difference

sds page

A researcher in the field of Biotechnology or other related disciplines dealing with the proteins definitely is at ease if he/she is sufficiently learned at using and analyzing results via using PAGE for the research work.

Swissprot | Swissprot Amazing Protein Database 2021 Update

swissprot protein database

Protein databases are considered as a tool of immense importance in the research related to proteins. It has now become an important part of modern biology. As a result of most active research, huge amounts of information is being generated in the form of protein structures, functions, and particularly sequences.