Top 9 Health Benefits of Tulsi Plant | Tulsi Plant Health Benefits

Top Health Benefits of Tulsi Plant

  • Helpful in Treating Fever & Common Cold
  • Reduce Stress
  • Removes Intoxicants from the Body
  • Reduces Blood Sugar Levels
  • Protects Liver Health
  • Tulsi Helpful in Weight Loss
  • Keeps mosquitos Away
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Treats Respiratory Disorder

9 Health Benefits of Tulsi Plant Explain in Detail:

The health benefits of Tulsi leaves and its derivatives are wide-ranging and very effective. It has been revered as a healing balm for mind, body and spirit. Tulsi leaves are Beneficial, really tasty and you can add them to many different dishes for different flavours.

1. Tulsi Plant helps in treating fever & Common Cold- The leaves of basil are used for treating many diseases that cause feverish states. During the rainy season, when malaria and dengue fever are widely prevalent these leaves are widely used.

Tulsi supports respiratory health, so it’s especially helpful for preventing colds, flu’s, and allergies and it also helps clear out the lungs so it’s good for the treatment of bad breath. In India, most people try to treat diseases first at home with these herbal remedies because their ancestors had told them about the positive effects of these things as they only rely on these herbal plants at that time.

2. Tulsi Plant Reduce Stress- It might seem surprising but basil leaves are considered What are the heal really good for mental health. Basil leaves is regarded as an ‘adaptogen’ or ‘anti-stress agent’. Recent studies have shown that the leaves are protection against stress. People with stress issues can chew leaves of basil to reduce stress. Even healthy persons can chew these leaves to prevent stress.

3. Tulsi Plant Removes Intoxicants from the body- Indian Ayurvedic medicine suggests that the plant of Tulsi promotes purity and lightness in our body. It cleanses the respiratory tract of toxins and relieves digestive gas and bloating thereby relaxes the whole body.

4. Tulsi Plant Reduces blood sugar levels- The leaves of tulsi are really beneficial for the people who have diabetes. It has been said that diabetic people should consume leaves of tulsi plants every morning before breakfast. People can simply chew 4 – 5 leaves an empty stomach every morning.

5. Tulsi Pant Protects Liver health- Holy basil protects liver health. The antioxidants found in it help to cleanse the liver and prevent damage to it. You can include basil in your diet also.

6. Tulsi Plant Helpful in Weight Loss- According to some researches, basil is helpful in lowering blood glucose and blood cholesterol levels and these are the main two factors that can lead to weight gain. It also reduces cortisol which is famously known as the stress hormone and this can also induce weight gain and to treat that, one can drink tulsi water to lose weight.

7. Tulsi Plant Keeps mosquitos away- Tulsi plant also helps in keeping mosquitos away. Keeping tulsi plants in the room will repel mosquitoes and other bugs and thus may prevent illnesses spread by these mosquitoes.

8. Tulsi Plant Boosts Immunity- Various studies have found that basil leaves have potent immunomodulatory effects. The extract also showed that it boosts immunity in the human body.

9. Tulsi Plant Treats Respiratory disorder- Basil was also found to treat a wide range of respiratory disorders like asthma is one of them.

Type of Tulsi Plant & Benefits

Q. What type of Tulsi plant Varities Found in India.

Ans- 4 Type of Tulsi Plant Mostly in India

There are many types of tulsi plant species but four major species are there with which people are familiar with-:

  1. Rama Tulsi Plant         Scientific Name – “Ocimum Sanctum”
  2. Krishna Tulsi Plant    Scientific Name – “Ocimum Tenuiflorum”
  3. Vana Tulsi Plant          Scientific Name – “Ocimum Gratissimim”
  4. Amrita tulsi Plant       Scientific Name – “Ocimum Tenuiflorum”

There are at least three different types of Tulsi or holy basil. They can be used somewhat interchangeably. They also have slight differences in appearance and taste.


Rama Tulsi is the most common type grown in India and its seeds are the easiest to find to grow. This type grows in full sun with moderate water and also fertile well-draining soils. Rama Tulsi is also known for its cooling and mellow flavour. The leaves of this plant have a shade of green-purplish blossoms, and also a green or purplish stem.


This type of tulsi is also found mostly in India and tastes peppery and has dark green to purple leaves, purple stems, and purple blossoms.


Vana Tulsi also famously known as “forest type” basil. It grows wild on roadsides and in random waste places. It has large green leaves and stems, with white blossoms and the plant can easily grow up to 5 feet.

Vana tulsi can also be put indoors in a container with dim sunlight, then it can be later transplanted in the garden when spring warmth returns.

Benefits of Tulsi Plant “Miraculous Health Plant”

Tulsi Plant as the world knows is famously referred to as the ‘Queen of Herbs‘. It is a little plant full of nutrients, vitamins and essential oils which can cure almost all diseases whether external or internal. It may be new to some countries but ‘The Tulsi’ is a very common plant found across India. It is also worshipped by Hindu people in Indian homes.

It can also be found growing in almost all kitchen gardens. Basil is one of those several herbs that you can propagate easily, whether you want to transplant the cuttings into the garden or grow in pots.

Tulsi plant is a member of the mint family. It is a bushy shrub about 18 inches high with oval, oblong and serrated leaves and the square stem. The colour of the leaves ranges from light green to dark purple, depending on the variety.

Thus, Basil or Tulsi is like an elixir for the human body but everybody should take it in a balanced and proper way by taking into consideration various conditions.

There is something really interesting, mysterious and otherworldly about tulsi that has earned it nicknames like “holy basil,” “Queen of Herbs” and “The Mother Medicine of Nature”. It is considered really sacred in Hindu religion as the Hindu God, Lord Shiva described the power of Tulsi, saying- “Every house, every village, every forest, wherever the plant of Tulsi is grown, their misery, fear, disease and poverty do not exist. Tulsi, in all aspects and places, is holier than holy.”

He we explain about 9 health benefits of Tulsi plant.  If you found a answer of your question what are the health Benefits of Tulsi Plant & their types mostly found in india. Plz Comment & Contribute.

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